A slow blogging year
Well, 2024 will be remembered, won't it? I guess 2025 already wants to make its mark too, but let's not worry about that right now, and instead let's talk about me.
A little over a year ago, I was gloating over how I had such a great blogging year in 2022, and was considering 2023 to be average, then went on to gather more stats and traffic analysis... Then I said, and I quote:
I hope to write more next year. I've been thinking about a few posts I could write for work, about how things work behind the scenes at Tor, that could be informative for many people. We run a rather old setup, but things hold up pretty well for what we throw at it, and it's worth sharing that with the world...
What a load of bollocks.
A bad year for this blog
2024 was the second worst year ever in my blogging history, tied with 2009 at a measly 6 posts for the year:
anarcat@angela:anarc.at$ curl -sSL https://anarc.at/blog/ | grep 'href="\./' | grep -o 20[0-9][0-9] | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | grep -v 2025 | tail -3
6 2024
6 2009
3 2014
I did write about my work though, detailing the migration from Gitolite to GitLab we completed that year. But after August, total radio silence until now.
Loads of drafts
It's not that I have nothing to say: I have no less than five drafts in my working tree here, not counting three actual drafts recorded in the Git repository here:
anarcat@angela:anarc.at$ git s blog
## main...origin/main
?? blog/bell-bot.md
?? blog/fish.md
?? blog/kensington.md
?? blog/nixos.md
?? blog/tmux.md
anarcat@angela:anarc.at$ git grep -l '\!tag draft'
I just don't have time to wrap those things up. I think part of me is disgusted by seeing my work stolen by large corporations to build proprietary large language models while my idols have been pushed to suicide for trying to share science with the world.
Another part of me wants to make those things just right. The "tagged drafts" above are nothing more than a huge pile of chaotic links, far from being useful for anyone else than me, and even then.
The on-dying
article, in particular, is becoming my nemesis. I've
been wanting to write that article for over 6 years now, I think. It's
just too hard.
Writing elsewhere
There's also the fact that I write for work already. A lot. Here are the top-10 contributors to our team's wiki:
anarcat@angela:help.torproject.org$ git shortlog --numbered --summary --group="format:%al" | head -10
4272 anarcat
423 jerome
117 zen
116 lelutin
104 peter
58 kez
45 irl
43 hiro
18 gaba
17 groente
... but that's a bit unfair, since I've been there half a decade. Here's the last year:
anarcat@angela:help.torproject.org$ git shortlog --since=2024-01-01 --numbered --summary --group="format:%al" | head -10
827 anarcat
117 zen
116 lelutin
91 jerome
17 groente
10 gaba
8 micah
7 kez
5 jnewsome
4 stephen.swift
So I still write the most commits! But to truly get a sense of the amount I wrote in there, we should count actual changes. Here it is by number of lines (from commandlinefu.com):
anarcat@angela:help.torproject.org$ git ls-files | xargs -n1 git blame --line-porcelain | sed -n 's/^author //p' | sort -f | uniq -ic | sort -nr | head -10
99046 Antoine Beaupré
6900 Zen Fu
4784 Jérôme Charaoui
1446 Gabriel Filion
1146 Jerome Charaoui
837 groente
705 kez
569 Gaba
381 Matt Traudt
237 Stephen Swift
That, of course, is the entire history of the git repo, again. We
should take only the last year into account, and probably ignore the
directory, as sneaky Zen Fu imported the entire docs from
another wiki there...
anarcat@angela:help.torproject.org$ find [d-s]* -type f -mtime -365 | xargs -n1 git blame --line-porcelain 2>/dev/null | sed -n 's/^author //p' | sort -f | uniq -ic | sort -nr | head -10
75037 Antoine Beaupré
2932 Jérôme Charaoui
1442 Gabriel Filion
1400 Zen Fu
929 Jerome Charaoui
837 groente
702 kez
569 Gaba
381 Matt Traudt
237 Stephen Swift
Pretty good! 75k lines. But those are the files that were modified in the last year. If we go a little more nuts, we find that:
anarcat@angela:help.torproject.org$ $ git-count-words-range.py | sort -k6 -nr | head -10
parsing commits for words changes from command: git log '--since=1 year ago' '--format=%H %al'
anarcat 126116 - 36932 = 89184
zen 31774 - 5749 = 26025
groente 9732 - 607 = 9125
lelutin 10768 - 2578 = 8190
jerome 6236 - 2586 = 3650
gaba 3164 - 491 = 2673
stephen.swift 2443 - 673 = 1770
kez 1034 - 74 = 960
micah 772 - 250 = 522
weasel 410 - 0 = 410
I wrote 126,116 words in that wiki, only in the last year. I also deleted 37k words, so the final total is more like 89k words, but still: that's about forty (40!) articles of the average size (~2k) I wrote in 2022.
(And yes, I did go nuts and write a new log parser, essentially from scratch, to figure out those word diffs. I did get the courage only after asking GPT-4o for an example first, I must admit.)
Let's celebrate that again: I wrote 90 thousand words in that wiki in 2024. According to Wikipedia, a "novella" is 17,500 to 40,000 words, which would mean I wrote about a novella and a novel, in the past year.
But interestingly, if I look at the repository analytics. I certainly didn't write that much more in the past year. So that alone cannot explain the lull in my production here.
Another part of me is just tired of the bickering and arguing on the internet. I have at least two articles in there that I suspect is going to get me a lot of push-back (NixOS and Fish). I know how to deal with this: you need to write well, consider the controversy, spell it out, and defuse things before they happen. But that's hard work and, frankly, I don't really care that much about what people think anymore.
I'm not writing here to convince people. I have stop evangelizing a long time ago. Now, I'm more into documenting, and teaching. And, while teaching, there's a two-way interaction: when you give out a speech or workshop, people can ask questions, or respond, and you all learn something. When you document, you quickly get told "where is this? I couldn't find it" or "I don't understand this" or "I tried that and it didn't work" or "wait, really? shouldn't we do X instead", and you learn.
Here, it's static. It's my little soapbox where I scream in the void. The only thing people can do is scream back.
Let's see if we can work together here.
If you don't like something I say, disagree, or find something wrong or to be improved, instead of screaming on social media or ignoring me, try contributing back. This site here is backed by a git repository and I promise to read everything you send there, whether it is an issue or a merge request.
I will, of course, still read comments sent by email or IRC or social media, but please, be kind.
You can also, of course, follow the latest changes on the TPA wiki. If you want to catch up with the last year, some of the "novellas" I wrote include:
- TPA-RFC-33: Monitoring: Nagios to Prometheus conversion, see also the extensive Prometheus documentation we wrote
- TPA-RFC-45: email architecture: draft of long-term email
services at
- TPA-RFC-62: TPA password manager: switch to password-store
- TPA-RFC-63: storage server budget: buy a new backup storage server (5k$ + 100$/mth)
- TPA-RFC-65: PostgreSQL backups: switching from legacy to pgBackRest for database backups
- TPA-RFC-68: Idle canary servers: provision test servers that sit idle to monitor infrastructure and stage deployments
- TPA-RFC-71: Emergency email deployments, phase B: deploy a new sender-rewriting mail forwarder, migrate mailing lists off the legacy server to a new machine, migrate the remaining Schleuder list to the Tails server, upgrade eugeni.
- TPA-RFC-76: Puppet merge request workflow: how to mirror our private Puppet repo to GitLab safely
- TPA-RFC-79: General merge request workflows: how to use merge requests, assignees, reviewers, draft and threads on GitLab projects
(Well, no, you can't actually follow changes on a GitLab wiki. But we have a wiki-replica git repository where you can see the latest commits, and subscribe to the RSS feed.)
See you there!