My free software activities, July 2017
Debian Long Term Support (LTS)
This is my monthly working on Debian LTS. This time I worked on various hairy issues surrounding ca-certificates, unattended-upgrades, apache2 regressions, libmtp, tcpdump and ipsec-tools.
ca-certificates updates
I've been working on the removal of the Wosign and StartCom certificates (Debian bug #858539) and, in general, the synchronisation of ca-certificates across suites (Debian bug #867461) since at least last march. I have made an attempt at summarizing the issue which led to a productive discussion and it seems that, in the end, the maintainer will take care of synchronizing information across suites.
Guido was right in again raising the question of synchronizing NSS across all suites (Debian bug #824872) which itself raised the other question of how to test reverse dependencies. This brings me back to Debian bug #817286 which, basically proposed the idea of having "proposed updates" for security issues. The problem is while we can upload test packages to stable proposed-updates, we can't do the same in LTS because the suite is closed and we operate only on security packages. This issue came up before in other security upload and we need to think better about how to solve this.
Speaking of security upgrades brings me to the question of a bug (Debian bug #867169) that was filed against the wheezy version of unattended-upgrades, which showed that the package simply stopped working since the latest stable release, because wheezy became "oldoldstable". I first suggested using the "codename" but that appears to have been introduced only after wheezy.
In the end, I proposed a simple update that would fix the configuration files and uploaded this as DLA-1032-1. This is thankfully fixed in later releases and will not require such hackery when jessie becomes LTS as well.
Next up is the work on the libmtp vulnerabilities (CVE-2017-9831 and CVE-2017-9832). As I described in my announcement, the work to backport the patch was huge, as upstream basically backported a whole library from the gphoto2 package to fix those issues (and probably many more). The lack of a test suite made it difficult to trust my own work, but given that I had no (negative) feedback, I figured it was okay to simply upload the result and that became DLA-1029-1.
I then looked at reproducing CVE-2017-11108, a heap overflow triggered tcpdump would parse specifically STP packets. In Debian bug #867718, I described how to reproduce the issue across all suites and opened an issue upstream, given that the upstream maintainers hadn't responded responded in weeks according to notes in the RedHat Bugzilla issue. I eventually worked on a patch which I shared upstream, but that was rejected as they were already working on it in their embargoed repository.
I can explain this confusion and duplication of work with:
- the original submitter didn't really contact
- he did and they didn't reply, being just too busy
- they replied and he didn't relay that information back
I think #2 is most likely: the folks are probably very busy with tons of reports like this. Still, I should probably have contacted directly before starting my work, even though no harm was done because I didn't divulge issues that were already public.
Since then, tcpdump has released 4.9.1 which fixes the issue, but then new CVEs came out that will require more work and probably another release. People looking into this issue must be certain to coordinate with the tcpdump security team before fixing the actual issues.
Another package that didn't quite have a working solution is the ipsec-tools suite, in which the racoon daemon was vulnerable to a remotely-triggered DOS attack (CVE-2016-10396). I reviewed and fixed the upstream patch which introduced a regression. Unfortunately, there is no test suite or proof of concept to control the results.
The reality is that ipsec-tools is really old, and should maybe simply be removed from Debian, in favor of strongswan. Upstream hasn't done a release in years and various distributions have patched up forks of those to keep it alive... I was happy, however, to know that a maintainer will take care of updating the various suites, including LTS, with my improved patch. So this fixes the issue for now, but I would strongly encourage users to switch away from ipsec-tools in the future.
Finally, I was bitten by the old DLA-841-1 upload I did all the
way back in February, as it introduced a regression (Debian bug #858373). It turns out it was possible to segfault Apache workers
with a trivial HTTP request, in certain (rather exotic, I might add)
configurations (ErrorDocument
400 directive pointing to a cgid script
in worker mode).
Still, it was a serious regression and I found a part of the nasty long patch we worked on back then that was faulty, and introduced a small fix to correct that. The proposed package unfortunately didn't yield any feedback, and I can only assume it will work okay for people. The result is the DLA-841-2 upload which fixes the regression. I unfortunately didn't have time to work on the remaining CVEs affecting apache2 in LTS at the time of writing.
I also did some miscellaneous triage by filing Debian bug #867477 for poppler in an effort to document better the pending issue.
Next up was some minor work on eglibc issues. CVE-2017-8804 has a patch, but it's been disputed. since the main victim of this and the core of the vulnerability (rpcbind) has already been fixed, I am not sure this vulnerability is still a thing in LTS at all.
I also looked at CVE-2014-9984, but the code is so different in wheezy that I wonder if LTS is affected at all. Unfortunately, the eglibc gymnastics are a little beyond me and I do not feel confident enough to just push those issues aside for now and let them open for others to look at.
Other free software work
And of course, there's my usual monthly volunteer work. My ratio is a little better this time, having reached an about even ratio between paid and volunteer work, whereas this was 60% volunteer work in march.
Announcing ecdysis
I recently published ecdysis, a set of template and code samples that I frequently reuse across project. This is probably the least pronounceable project name I have ever chosen, but this is somewhat on purpose. The goal of this project is not collaboration or to become a library: it's just a personal project which I share with the world as a curiosity.
To quote the README file:
The name comes from what snakes and other animals do to "create a new snake": they shed their skin. This is not so appropriate for snakes, as it's just a way to rejuvenate their skin, but is especially relevant for anthropods since then "ecdysis" may be associated with a metamorphosis:
Ecdysis is the moulting of the cuticle in many invertebrates of the clade Ecdysozoa. Since the cuticle of these animals typically forms a largely inelastic exoskeleton, it is shed during growth and a new, larger covering is formed. The remnants of the old, empty exoskeleton are called exuviae. — Wikipedia
So this project is metamorphosed into others when the documentation templates, code examples and so on are reused elsewhere. For that reason, the license is an unusally liberal (for me) MIT/Expat license.
The name also has the nice property of being absolutely unpronounceable, which makes it unlikely to be copied but easy to search online.
It was an interesting exercise to go back into older projects and factor out interesting code. The process is not complete yet, as there are older projects I'm still curious in reviewing. A bunch of that code could also be factored into upstream project and maybe even the Python standard library.
In short, this is stuff I keep on forgetting how to do: a proper
config, some fancy argparse
extensions and so on. Instead
of having to remember where I had written that clever piece of code, I
now shove it in the crazy chaotic project where I can find it again in
the future.
Beets experiments
Since I started using Subsonic (or Libresonic) to manage the music on my phone, album covers are suddenly way more interesting. But my collection so far has had limited album covers: my other media player (gmpc) would download those on the fly on its own and store them in its own database - not on the filesystem. I guess this could be considered to be a limitation of Subsonic, but I actually appreciate the separation of duty here. Garbage in, garbage out: the quality of Subsonic's rendering depends largely on how well setup your library and tags are.
It turns out there is an amazing tool called beets to do exactly that kind of stuff. I originally discarded that "media library management system for obsessive-compulsive [OC] music geeks", trying to convince myself i was not an "OC music geek". Turns out I am. Oh well.
Thanks to beets, I was able to download album covers for a lot of the albums in my collection. The only covers that are missing now are albums that are not correctly tagged and that beets couldn't automatically fix up. I still need to go through those and fix all those tags, but the first run did an impressive job at getting album covers.
Then I got the next crazy idea: after a camping trip where we forgot (again) the lyrics to Georges Brassens, I figured I could start putting some lyrics on my ebook reader. "How hard can that be?" of course, being the start of another crazy project. A pull request and 3 days later, I had something that could turn a beets lyrics database into a Sphinx document which, in turn, can be turned into an ePUB. In the process, I probably got blocked from MusixMatch a hundred times, but it's done. Phew!
The resulting e-book is about 8000 pages long, but is still
surprisingly responsive. In the process, I also happened to do a
partial benchmark of Python's bloom filter libraries. The biggest
surprise there was the performance of the set
builtin: for small
items, it is basically as fast as a bloom filter. Of course, when
the item size grows larger, its memory usage explodes, but in this
case it turned out to be sufficient and bloom filter completely
overkill and confusing.
Oh, and thanks to those efforts, I got admitted in the beetbox organization on GitHub! I am not sure what I will do with that newfound power: I was just scratching an itch, really. But hopefully I'll be able to help here and there in the future as well.
Debian package maintenance
I did some normal upkeep on a bunch of my packages this month, that were long overdue:
- uploaded slop 6.3.47-1: major new upstream release
- uploaded an NMU for maim 5.4.64-1.1: maim was broken by the slop release
- uploaded pv 1.6.6-1: new upstream release
- uploaded kedpm 1.0+deb8u1 to jessie (oldstable): one last security fix (Debian bug #860817, CVE-2017-8296) for that derelict password manager
- uploaded charybdis 3.5.5-1: new minor upstream release, with optional support for mbedtls
- filed Debian bug #866786 against cryptsetup to make the remote initramfs SSH-based unlocking support multiple devices: thanks to the maintainer, this now works flawlessly in buster and may be backported to stretch
- expanded on Debian bug #805414 against gdm3 and Debian bug #845938 against pulseaudio, because I had trouble connecting my computer to this new Bluetooth speaker. turns out this is a known issue in Pulseaudio: whereas it releases ALSA devices, it doesn't release Bluetooth devices properly. Documented this more clearly in the wiki page
- filed Debian bug #866790 regarding old stray Apparmor profiles that were lying around my system after an upgrade, which got me interested in Debian bug #830502 in turn
- filed Debian bug #868728 against cups regarding a weird behavior I had interacting with a network printer. turns out the other workstation was misconfigured... why are printers still so hard?
- filed Debian bug #870102 to automate sbuild schroots upgrades
- after playing around with rash tried to complete the packaging (Debian bug #754972) of percol with this pull request upstream. this ended up to be way too much overhead and I reverted to my old normal history habits.