1. Looking into self-financing
  2. Wallabako
  3. Stressant
  4. Standard third party repositories
  5. Signal R&D
  6. Debian Long Term Support (LTS)
  7. Other projects

Looking into self-financing

Before I begin, I should mention that I started tracking my time working on free software more systematically. I spend a lot of time on the computer, as regular readers of this blog might remember so I wanted to know exactly how much time was paid vs free work. I was already using org-mode's time clock system to keep track of my work hours, so I just extended this to my regular free software contributions, which also helps in writing those reports.

It turns out that over 60% of my computer time is spent working on free software. That's huge! I was expecting something more along the range of 20 to 40% of my time. So I started thinking about ways of financing this work. I created a Patreon page but I'm hesitant into launching such a campaign: the only thing worse than "no patreon page" is "a patreon page with failed goals and no one financing it". So before starting such an effort, I'd like to get a feeling of what other people's experience with it are. I know that joeyh is close to achieving his goals, but I can't compare with the guy that invented git-annex or debhelper, so I'm concerned I wouldn't be able to raise the same level of funding.

So any advice you have, feel free to contact me in private or in the comments. If you would be ready to fund my work, I'd love to know about it, obviously, but I guess I wouldn't get real numbers until I actually open up such a page...

Now, onto the regular report.


I spent a good chunk of time completing most of the things I had in mind for Wallabako, which I mentioned quickly in the previous report. Wallabako is now much easier to installed, with clearer instructions, an easier to use configuration file, more reliable synchronization and read status propagation. As usual the Wallabako README file has all the details.

I've also looked at better integration with Koreader, the free software e-reader that forms the basis of the okreader free software distribution which has been able to port Debian to the Kobo e-readers, a project I am really excited about. This project has the potential of supporting Kobo readers beyond the lifetime that upstream grants it and removes a lot of proprietary software and spyware that ships with the Kobo readers. So I have made a few contributions to okreader and also on koreader, the ebook reader okreader is based on.


I rewrote stressant, my simple burn-in and stress-testing tool. After struggling in turn with Debirf, live-build, vmdebootstrap and even FAI, I just figured maybe it wasn't the best idea to try and reinvent that particular wheel: instead of reinventing how to build yet another Debian system build tool, maybe I should just reuse what's already there.

It turns out there's a well known, succesful and fairly complete recovery system called Grml. It is a Debian Derivative, so all I needed to do was to stop procrastinating and actually write the actual stressant tool instead of just creating a distribution with a bunch of random tools shipped in. This allowed me to focus on which tools were the best to stress test different components. This selection ended up being:

fio can also be used to overwrite disk drives with the proper options (--overwrite and --size=100%), although grml also ships with nwipe for wiping old spinning disks and hdparm to do a secure erase of SSD disks (whatever that's worth).

Stressant still needs to be shipped with grml for this transition to be complete. In the meantime, I was able to configure the excellent public Gitlab CI service to provide ISO images with Stressant built-in as a stopgap measure. I also need to figure out a way to automate starting stressant from a boot menu to automate deployments on a larger scale, although because I have little need for the feature at this moment in time, this will likely wait for a sponsor to show up for this to be implemented.

Still, stressant has useful features like the capability of sending logs by email using a fresh new implementation of the Python SMTPHandler (BufferedSMTPHandler) which waits for logging to complete before sending a single email. Another interesting piece of code in there is the NegateAction argparse handler that enables the use of "toggle flags" (e.g. --flag / --no-flag). I'm so happy with the code that I figure I could just share it here directly:

class NegateAction(argparse.Action):
    '''add a toggle flag to argparse

    this is similar to 'store_true' or 'store_false', but allows
    arguments prefixed with --no to disable the default. the default
    is set depending on the first argument - if it starts with the
    negative form (define by default as '--no'), the default is False,
    otherwise True.

    negative = '--no'

    def __init__(self, option_strings, *args, **kwargs):
        '''set default depending on the first argument'''
        default = not option_strings[0].startswith(self.negative)
        super(NegateAction, self).__init__(option_strings, *args,
                                           default=default, nargs=0, **kwargs)

    def __call__(self, parser, ns, values, option):
        '''set the truth value depending on whether
        it starts with the negative form'''
        setattr(ns, self.dest, not option.startswith(self.negative))

Short and sweet. I wonder why stuff like this is not in the standard library yet - maybe just because no one bothered yet? It'd be great to get feedback of more experienced Pythonistas on this one.

I hope that my work on Stressant is complete. I get zero funding for this work, and have little use for it myself: I manage only a few machines and such a tool really shines when you regularly put new hardware online, which is (fortunately?) not my case anymore. I'd be happy, of course, to accompany organisations and people that wish to further develop and use such a tool.

A short demo of stressant as well as detailed description of how it works is of course available in its README file.

Standard third party repositories

After looking at improvements for the grml repository instructions, I realized there was no real "best practices" document on how to configure an Apt repository. Sure, there are tools like reprepro and others, but those hardly qualify as policy: they are very flexible and there are lots of ways to create insecure repositories or curl | sh style instructions, which we of course generally want to avoid.

While the larger problem of Unstrusted Debian packages remain generally unsolved (e.g. when you install any .deb file, it can get root on your system), it seemed to me one critical part of this problem was how to add a random third-party repository to your machine while limiting, as much as possible, what possible attackers could do with such a repository. In other words, to solve the more general problem of insecure .deb files, we also need to solve the distribution problem, otherwise fixing the .deb files themselves will be useless.

This lead to the creation of standardized repository instructions that define:

  1. how to distribute the repository's public signing key (ie. over HTTPS)
  2. how to name suites and components (e.g. use stable and main unless you have a good reason, and explain yourself)
  3. recommend a healthy does of apt preferences pinning
  4. how to distribute keys (e.g. with a derive-archive-keyring package)

I've seen so many third party repositories get this wrong. For example, a lot of repositories recommend this type of command to intialize the OpenPGP trust path:

curl http://example.com/key.asc | apt-key add -

This has the following problems:

An example of this are the Docker install instructions that, at least, manage to do this over HTTPS. Some other repositories don't even bother teaching people about the proper way of adding those keys. We settled for:

wget -O /usr/share/keyrings/deriv-archive-keyring.gpg https://deriv.example.net/debian/deriv-archive-keyring.gpg

That location was explicitly chosen to be out of the main trust directory, so that it needs to be explicitly added to the sources.list as well:

deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/deriv-archive-keyring.gpg] https://deriv.example.net/debian/ stable main

Similarly, we highly recommend users setup "apt pinning" to restrict what a given repository can do. Since pinning is so confusing, most people don't actually bother even configuring it and I have yet to see a single repo advise its users to configure those preferences, which are essential to limit what a repository can do. To keep configuration simple, we recommend this:

Package: *
Pin: origin deriv.example.net
Pin-Priority: 100

Obviously, for a single-package repository, the actual package name should be listed, e.g.:

Package: foo
Pin: origin deriv.example.net
Pin-Priority: 100

And the priority should probably be set to 1 unless you want to allow automatic upgrades.

It is my hope that this design will get more traction in the years to come and become a de-facto standard that will be a key part in safely adding third party repositories. There is obviously much more work to be done to improve security when installing untrusted .deb files, and I encourage Debian developers to consider contributing to the UntrustedDebs discussions and particularly to the Teams/Dpkg/Spec/DeclarativePackaging work.

Signal R&D

I spent a significant amount of time this month struggling with the Signal project on my phone. I'm still ambivalent on Signal: it's a centralized designed, too dependent on phone numbers, but I must admit they get a lot of things right and it's the only free-software platform that allows for easy-to-use, multi-platform videoconferencing that my family can use.

I've been following Signal for a while: up until now, I had been using the LibreSignal rebuild of the official client, as it is distributed on a F-Droid repository. Because I try to avoid Google (proprietary) software on my phone, it's basically the only way I could even install Signal. Unfortunately, the repository is out of date and introduces another point of trust in the distribution model: now you not only need to trust the Signal authors to do the right thing, you also need to trust that F-Droid repo not to inject nasty code on your phone. I've therefore started a discussion about how Signal could be distributed outside of the Google Play Store. I'd like to think it's one of the things that led the Signal people to distribute an official copy of Signal outside of the playstore.

After much struggling, I was able to upgrade to this official client and will be able to upgrade easily by just downloading the APK. (Do note that I ended up reinstalling and re-registering Signal, which unfortunately changed my secret keys.) I do hope Signal enters F-Droid one day, but it could take a while because it still doesn't work without Google services and barely works with MicroG, the free software alternative to the Google services clients. Moxie also set a list of requirements like crash reporting and statistics that need to be implemented on F-Droid's side before he agrees to the deployment, so this could take a while.

I've also participated in the, ahem, discussion on the JWZ blog regarding a supposed vulnerability in Signal where it would leak previously unknown phone numbers to third parties. I reviewed the way the phone number is uploaded and, while it's possible to create a rainbow table of phone numbers (which are hashed with a truncated SHA-1 checksum), I couldn't verify the claims of other participants in the thread. For me, Signal still does the right thing with contacts, although I do question the way "read status" notifications get transmitted, but that belong in another bug report / blog post.

Debian Long Term Support (LTS)

It's been more than a year working on Debian LTS, started by Raphael Hertzog at Freexian. I didn't work much in February so I had a lot of hours to catchup with, and was unfortunately unable to do so, partly because I was busy with other projects, and partly because my colleagues are doing a great job at resolving the most important issues.

So one my concerns this month was finding work. It seemed that all the hard packages were either taken (e.g. my usual favorites, tiff and imagemagick, we done by others) or just too challenging (e.g. I don't feel quite comfortable tackling the LTS branch of the Linux kernel yet).

I spent quite a bit of time trying to figure out what was wrong with pcre3, only to realise the "32" in the report was not about the architecture, but about the character width. Because of thise, I marked 4 CVEs (CVE-2017-7186, CVE-2017-7244, CVE-2017-7245, CVE-2017-7246) as "not-affected", since the 32-bith character support wasn't enabled in wheezy (or jessie, for that matter). I still spent some time trying to reproduce the issues, which require a compiler with an AddressSanitizer, something that was introduced in both Clang and GCC after Wheezy was released, which makes reproducing this fairly complicated...

This allowed me to experiment more with Vagrant, however, and I have provided the Debian cloud team with a 32-bit Vagrant box that was merged in shortly after, although it doesn't show up yet in the official list of Debian images.

Then I looked at the apparmor situation (CVE-2017-6507), Debian bug #858768). That was one tricky bug as well, since it's not a security issue in apparmor per se, but more an issue with things that assume a certain behavior from apparmor. I have concluded that Wheezy was not affected because there are no assumptions of proper isolation there - which are provided only starting from LXC 1.0 - and Docker is not in Wheezy. I also couldn't reproduce the issue on Jessie, but, as it turns out, the issue was sysvinit-specific, which is why I couldn't reproduce it under the default systemd configuration shipped with Jessie.

I also looked at the various binutils security issues: as I reported on the mailing list, I didn't see anything serious enough in there to warrant a a security release and followed the lead of both the stable and Red Hat security teams by marking this "no-dsa". I similiarly reviewed the mp3splt security issues (specifically CVE-2017-5666) and was fairly puzzled by that issue, which seems to be triggered only the same address sanitization extensions than PCRE, although there was some pretty wild interplay with debugging flags in there. All in all, it seems we can't reproduce that issue in wheezy, but I do not feel confident enough in the results to push that issue aside for now.

I finally uploaded the pending graphicsmagick issue (DLA-547-2), a regression update to fix a crash that was introduced in the previous release (DLA-547-1, mistakenly named DLA-574-1). Hopefully that release should clear up some of the confusion and fix the regression.

I also released DLA-879-1 for the CVE-2017-6369 in firebird2.5 which was an interesting experiment: I couldn't reproduce the issue in a local VM. After following the Ubuntu setup tutorial, as I wasn't too familiar with the Firebird database until now (hint: the default username and password is sysdba/masterkey), I ended up assuming we were vulnerable and just backporting the patch after seeing the jessie folks push out a release just in case.

I also looked at updating the ca-certificates package to deal with the pending WoSign/Startcom removal: I made an explicit list of the CAs that need to be removed after reviewing the Mozilla list. I also sent a patch for an unrelated issue where ca-certificates is writing to /usr/local (!!) in Debian bug #843722.

I have also done some "meta" work in starting a discussion about fixing the missing DLA links in the tracker, as you will notice all of the above links lead to nowhere. Thanks to pabs, there are now some links but unfortunately there are about 500 DLAs missing from the website. We also discussed ways to Debian bug #859123, something which is currently a manual process. This is now in the hands of the excellent webmaster team.

I have also filed a few missing security bugs (Debian bug #859135, Debian bug #859136), partly because I wanted to help the security team. But it turned out that I felt the script needed some improvements, so I submitted a patch to improve the script so it is easier to run.

Other projects

As usual, there's the usual mixed bags of chaos:

More stuff on Github...

key location
Really good step forward regarding adding third party repositories to a system. I wonder though why does the key must be placed in /usr/share/keyrings and not inside /etc/. Placing them in /usr feels wrong because it doesn't belong to a package, not managed by apt but instead manually added to the system alongside with the other files in /etc/apt/sources.list.d and /etc/apt/preferences.
Comment by Anonyme
key location

Maybe this should be made a little more explicit in the spec... We do touch on this later when we mention:

When using this configuration, the system administrator SHOULD ensure that all other repositories on the system have an explicit Signed-By option, so that the derivative's key is not capable of impersonating other archives.

As I mentioned in the blog post here, posting new keys to /etc is a security issue: it allows that key to impersonate the regular Debian archives, something which we definitely want to avoid! Only Debian.org-managed keys should end up there.

You are correct in pointing out those keys should be managed by a package. As the spec mentions:

Keys updates SHOULD be distributed by a Debian package called deriv-archive-keyring.

So downloading them in that location is merely to bootstrap the process of downloading that package, and we explicitly recommend instructions include downloading that package as part of the setup process.

Comment by anarcat

Too me, it is a very sad thing, if people use or promote Signal, but I understand very well, that it is hard to avoid in some cases.

  • Signal excludes people, who refuse to use a mobile phone or a "smart" phone, but prefer a system running a free operating system, such as Debian. Note, that XMPP, Matrix etc. have free clients for most operating systems and different use cases, e.g. console clients.

  • Signal uses phone numbers as ids. This is wrong in so many ways, that I don't know where to start. Not only, that phone numbers are hard to hash securely, in many countries anonymous SIMs are outlawed already and landline isn't anonymous neither. Also, it is difficult to create different accounts for different things, etc. Neither XMPP nor Matrix have this problem.

  • Signals server is centralised. If you want to change the code, you can do it, but you cannot practically run the changed (or unchanged) version, because nobody would use it. If you want to run a server in a different country, you can't do it. Again, XMPP and Matrix do this right.

We really need to work on free, federated real-time communication, that is usable for everyone, even our non-geek families :~)

Comment by Martin
The problems with Signal

Really, I could not have said it better myself. Signal has tons of problems, as you so clearly pointed out.

I've been meaning to write about Signal for a long time, and this was just an activity blurb, not an endorsement statement... I should really just bite the bullet and do it, but things are changing fast and comments get old quickly, even in the XMPP world. For the record, I had written a short summary of my concerns with Signal here of which certain issues still remain relevant.

The biggest concern I have with Signal right now is the use of phone numbers especially in the case of group chat. For example, once someone adds you to a group chat (and you can't refuse), your phone number gets leaked to everyone else in that group. Arguably, someone could leak your phone number to all their contacts without your knowledge of course, but this may not be an obvious consequence to Signal users. And there are other issues with the group chat: you can't kick anyone out and there's zero moderation, but I guess they wanted to keep this simple...

So I think that Signal is great, but could really be improved in a lot of places. Unfortunately, the main alternative (XMPP?) has critical usability issues that Signal is actively solving, sometimes at a cost of privacy...

Comment by anarcat
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