I am a heavy Emacs users. I'm surprised there isn't any documentation about this in this wiki, but better late than ever, as they say.


My Emacs configuration has finally been sanitized and published online, see my emacs-d git repository for details.


The original reason why I setup this page is to document the packages I use. I have little trust in the Emacs packaging system: there are no cryptographic signatures in package archives so no trust path between users and developers. When I discussed this in the Emacs community, it became apparent the only solution to my problem, short term, was to use the Debian packaging infrastructure instead. This has the advantage of automating but possibly also delegating maintenance of those packages.

Here's the list of packages I currently use.

Package Emacs Debian Description
anzu 0.67 0.67.post1 Show number of matches in mode-line while searching
auto-dictionary 1.1 1.1.post1 Automatic dictionary switcher for flyspell
cape 1.7 #728729 Completion At Point Extensions
consult 1.8 1.8.post1 Consulting completing-read
corfu 1.5 1.5.post1 COmpletion in Region FUnction
crux 0.5.0 #909337 A Collection of Ridiculously Useful eXtensions
dabbrev N/A N/A None
devdocs 20241113.1341 N/A Emacs viewer for DevDocs
dimmer 0.4.2 0.4.2+repack20220817.a5b6975.3 Visually highlight the selected buffer
dockerfile-mode 1.9 1.9.post3 Major mode for editing Docker's Dockerfiles
eglot N/A 1.15.post3 None
embark 1.1 1.1.post2 Conveniently act on minibuffer completions
embark-consult 1.1 N/A Consult integration for Embark
flycheck 34.1 34.1.post2 On-the-fly syntax checking
flymake N/A N/A None
format-all 0.6.0 0.6.0.post2 Auto-format C, C++, JS, Python, Ruby and 50 other languages
frames-only-mode 1.0.0 N/A Use frames instead of Emacs windows
gnus-alias 20230818.1830 N/A An alternative to gnus-posting-styles
go-mode 1.6.0 N/A Major mode for the Go programming language
gptel 0.9.7 N/A Interact with ChatGPT or other LLMs
hl-todo 3.8.1 3.8.1.post1 Highlight TODO and similar keywords
ledger N/A 4.0.0.post2 None
magit 4.1.3 4.1.3.post1 A Git porcelain inside Emacs
marginalia 1.7 1.7.post1 Enrich existing commands with completion annotations
markdown-mode 2.6 2.6.post2 Major mode for Markdown-formatted text
multiple-cursors 1.4.0 #861127 Multiple cursors for Emacs
notmuch 0.38.3 0.38.3.post3 Run notmuch within emacs
org N/A 9.7.16+dfsg.1 None
pdf-tools 1.1.0 1.1.0.post3 Support library for PDF documents
puppet-mode 0.4 0.4.post5 Major mode for Puppet manifests
rainbow-mode N/A 1.0.6.post2 None
recentf N/A N/A None
rg 2.3.0 2.3.0.post4 A search tool based on ripgrep
shift-number 0.1 N/A Increase/decrease the number at point
smart-mode-line 2.14 2.14.post2 A color coded smart mode-line
srcery-theme 20240220.805 N/A Dark color theme
vertico 1.9 1.9.post1 VERTical Interactive COmpletion
visual-fill-column-mode N/A N/A None
wc-mode 1.4.1 1.4.post2 Running word count with goals (minor mode)
which-key 3.6.0 3.6.0.post2 Display available keybindings in popup
writegood-mode 2.2.0 2.2.0.post3 Polish up poor writing on the fly
writeroom-mode 3.11 3.11.post3 Minor mode for distraction-free writing
ws-butler 0.7 0.6.post5 Unobtrusively remove trailing whitespace
yasnippet 0.14.0 0.14.0+git20230912.76e1eee6.2 Yet another snippet extension for Emacs

The above was automatically generated using check-emacs-packages with some manual modifications for packages on the main ELPA archive (as opposed to MELPA, which is surprisingly rare). To feed the list of packages into the script, I used this mighty pipeline:

check-emacs-packages $( ( grep '^(use-package' ~/.emacs.d/init.el | sed 's/.* //' ; \
grep -A2 packages ~/.emacs.d/custom.el  | tail -1 | sed 's/[()]//g;s/ /\n/g' ) \
| sort -u ) 2>/dev/null
Created . Edited .