Night city theme for Ikiwiki

This theme is based on the Night city theme designed by GetTemplate. It required some changes to work properly in Ikiwiki, mostly at the template level, but also some CSS changes were necessary.


To install this, drop the night_city directory in your themes folder (e.g. /usr/share/ikiwiki/themes) and activate the theme plugin with "night_city" as a theme.

You can also clone this repository:



Most of the theme is like upstream, except that some style tweaks are done to make it look better (in my opinion!). The right arrow on top is also modified to show the search engine and headings are setup properly.

I have copied the ikiwiki styles from actiontabs and similar themes in ikiwiki.css to clarify what's in this theme and what's upstream.

The original theme is still available in night_city.html, although the original stylesheet is not.

Created . Edited .